Informative Speech On Veterans

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If you could see what I have titled this speech, I'm sure you'd be confused, but curious as to what it's about. I'll just tell you, it is called "The Problem With People," and if you don't believe there are any, oh you just wait. Clearly there are many problems with humans because we aren't perfect, but who is? Likewise, there is one problem in the United States, that I'm sure could vanish, but we choose to focus on other "more important" issues, such as politics or reputations. That problem is concerning Veterans, and is referring to the lack of beneficial treatment and stability that they receive when they return from fighting for our country's independence. The problem that I see and don't understand why others don't, is that Veterans do …show more content…

This is because of the lack of support they get from family or other support networks. In addition to facing the harsh reality of homelessness, many veterans are at a high risk of developing PTSD, also known as Post-Dramatic Stress Disorder. This anxiety disorder is caused by a traumatic event, hence the name, and in most cases requires therapy or a medication to reduce the anxiety and depression that they hold. You tell me, how are veterans suppose to get the therapy or medication that they require if they are living on the streets? They aren't! Clearly most battle-scared vets aren't getting the support that they need in the mental aspects of their lives, which leads to suicidal thoughts, which may eventually lead to actions. In 2010, just six short years ago, twenty-two veterans committed suicide each day. I believe that with the right support and respect that our Soldiers deserve, many veterans can be taken off of the streets, and be financially supported the way that they …show more content…

Now there are many Veterans who need our help and support and they can't all be cared for at once, however if many communities work together by doing small tasks, it will grow into something larger. Simple things that can be done, are donations old clothing to a homeless shelter or food to a food bank. No matter where you take your old things, they will help someone in need, Veteran or not. Also, small things such as smiling at people everyday will help because if someone is having a bad day and you smile at them, they will most likely be happy and smile at someone else. Which then will eventually make its way to a homeless or impoverished veteran. That may sound a bit far-fetched, but I know that if I'm having a bad day and someone smiles at me, it will make me smile at everyone that I encounter. Another small sacrificing that could easily be carried out on a daily basis,mid holding the door for someone, anyone

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