Informative Speech On Lyme Cancer

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Hello, This is Angel, sadly something has come up as a major hurdle in her life. In October of 2015, she was bitten by a tick and developed Lyme disease. She has always been full of energy, smart, funny, caring. Sadly, with the development of Lyme disease, it ripped that away, causing her to suffer from exhaustion, fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, headaches, insomnia, extreme weight loss, and bouts of not being able to remember past events. She looked at a post she wrote a year ago and she cannot remember the day at all nor what she had written. She's been in the hospital twice in 2015 and was diagnosed with a severe UTI and GERDs. At the second visit she was diagnosed with severe depression. These visits to the hospital were quite costly to her …show more content…

She needs your help to get better, please help Angel become who she is meant to be. Her dream is to become a nurse, come to America, and help her family as well as those in need. She can’t accomplish this with this disease stopping her. She is a loving, thoughtful and caring person. The that I have spent with her in calls I have seen her have her good days and her bad days, she deserves to have more good days. She gets confused due to memory loss and she cries from it, she stumbles on her words and gets frustrated that what she wants to say won't come out. We all just want her to get better, she has so much potential that she just can't use to to this disease. The weight loss has persisted is approaching extremely unhealthy levels. She's been using supplements and protein powders to try and gain weight back, so far to join avail. During the days I spent with her on the calls, I miss the girl she was once before. A beautiful girl full of energy, motivation and a desire to help her family and relatives. The reason why she wants to pursue her nursing career. Unfortunately, the disease that she has right now make it so difficult for her to achieve those and her family's dream for her. She is doing her best to stay positive but with her deteriorating more and more every day she is starting to lose hope. Please help save

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