Informative Speech On King Lancelot

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Lancelot - Speech

Lancelot was the greatest and most trusted knight from King Arthur’s round table. He was King Arthur’s greatest champion, and the greatest swordsman and jouster of the age. Today I will talk to you about Lancelot’s childhood, romances and his knighthood.

Who is Lancelot:
Lancelot was first introduced to Arthurian Legends in the Knight of the Cart by Chretien de Troyes in the 12th Century, It was not until later though, in Chretiens Le Chevalier de la Charrette that Lancelot was the protagonist. In this Arthurian romance he is presented as the powerful and fearsome knight of the round table. Lancelot’s life has been featured in many Medieval Romances, often including conflicting background stories and chains of events. …show more content…

While Lancelot was an infant, his father King Ban was driven from his kingdom in Britain by his enemy Claudas. King Ban and Elaine fled carrying Lancelot with them. While Elaine was tending to her wounded husband, Vivienne carried Lancelot away to raise him in her magical kingdom.

Adventures & Quests:
Vivienne raised Lancelot to be a strong knight, and he was given a magical sword by her when she sent him to join king Arthur’s court to become a knight. Lancelot went on many quests and adventures including: rescuing Guinevere from Arthur's enemy, the Dolorous Guard, The quest of the Holy Grail and the rescue of the queen when she is about to be burned to the death for having an affair with Lancelot himself.

When Lancelot joined King Arthur’s court he immediately fell in love with Queen Guinevere, King Arthur’s wife. Lancelot performed many deeds and rescues to honour and rescue her. At first Arthur took no notice of the growing relationship between Lancelot and the Queen. The King was later forced to accuse his wife and Lancelot of

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