Informative Speech On Chronic Pain

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If you’re in chronic pain, it’s important to know that you already have the tools to reduce the intensity of your pain. Body discomfort and chronic pain is as much about how we think about our body and live in it, than it is about the specific syndrome or diagnosis we’ve been labelled with. I believe this so much!

Without putting myself out of a job here, relying on just other specialists to heal really isn’t a good approach to managing your pain and injury, by doing this we forget in a feat to alleviate our pain, that we actually have ourselves too- we live in a body that is designed to heal itself after all.

What is Pain?
Have you ever thought it’s funny how some of us have some horrid looking injuries and experience no pain, and yet for others the lightest touch to an injury can still generate severe pain? Very strange, but that’s because pain is a result of processing in our nervous system, so although we can all look at an MRI scan, we can’t all predict or ever really know how much pain another person is in. A diagnosis may be universal, but the experience of pain is definitely not. …show more content…

So if your brain thinks that something is unsafe, ultimately those things will hurt more than if your brain thinks you’re safe. If you’re safe then that pain will go down.

There’s not one magic answer to pain unfortunately, which is why it’s such a complex topic, and why perhaps your friend can easily heal from a fracture in 5 weeks but you’re still healing and in pain at 7 weeks. But if we know that the pain we experience is determined by how we are calibrating it, then there are approaches we can try that may turn the volume down on our pain a little bit.

Natural Ways to Beat your

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