Informative Essay: Why Do People Hunt

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Why Do People Hunt I can still recall it, the cold air, the bone chilling wind, the frozen earth, the sounds that echo for miles. It seemed like hours that I sat beside this massive oak tree, but it was all worth it when my time arrived. I can still remember the feeling of blood rushing through my veins warming my entire body in an instant when he finally approaches. As I raise the iced over barrel of my Grandfather’s 30-06 bolt action rifle, he turns broadside. At that moment, I take my shot. I pull the two inch piece of steel releasing a lead cap at over 700 miles per hour. As my prey falls to the earth, I know that once again, I have conquered nature. Recalling this event, I begin to ponder a twenty-first century question: why do people hunt? …show more content…

The majority of studies and journals posted focused, in a strong biased opinion, towards hunting being a positive recreational activity. Much of the research focuses on various aspects of hunting. Some academic journals revealed the ancient history behind hunting and why humans hunted in the past. One international website, influenced by people from across the world, explains how hunting actually promotes conservation. Many believe that hunting is actually a more humane way of harvesting meat as opposed to factory farming. Perhaps the most interesting writings are the explanations of how hunting is more ethical than most would think and it has to do with a psychological balance in the brain. Some articles describe how the demand for meat is not what it used to be, so some hunters enjoy the sport aspect of hunting. However, one cannot trust the internet and books alone. Interviews must be conducted so the writer can have personal, credible sources. All of these topics share one common idea; hunting is good for not only people, but also nature and the surrounding

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