Informative Essay: Unawareness Of The Law

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Quinten van der Perk, TH4D 2017 Individual paper, Unawareness of the law. 20/04/2017

Imagine you’re a teenager again, you’re outside with some of your friends and you end up doing something you’re not really sure about is allowed according to the law, you end up doing it anyway because you’re a teenager and you don’t think of the consequences about an hour later the police drives by and arrests you and your friends, because apparently you did something that wasn’t allowed but you were unaware. Your own children are going through that stage now or they will at some point in their youth, you wouldn’t like your children to be locked up for a couple of months or even just a night for something they didn’t know was not allowed. …show more content…

We’re just expected to know certain things based our morals and values. it’s kind of a controversial subject to speak about when you state that your knowledge about the law is minimal. There’s a quote by Aristotle that says: “No one is expected to not know the law.” As a individual you’re not supposed to know all the laws but you are expected to know the laws that affect you in your daily life and the situations you have to deal with on a pretty much regular basis. There are however miscarriages of justice. A miscarriage of justice is when someone has committed a crime that was obviously not allowed by the law since it’s a crime but on the moment of happening the person that did it misjudged the law and thought it was allowed or wasn’t aware of the law at all. (Advocatenkantoor Elfri de Neve, 2009 ) The effect this has is a lot of problems in court when people say that there’s a case of a miscarriage of justice, they claim to have not been aware of the law when committing the crime, this often happens in small cases but then we state this: “ “ignorantia juris non excusat”, meaning that being unaware of the law doesn’t excuse you. So this is a controversial thing because you’re supposed to know the law but sometimes that’s not the case and you get excused but then there’s always the fundamentals of the law system stating that being unaware of the law …show more content…

I learned that the government and the EU don’t always properly introduce their laws. I learned that there’s a lot of things that remain undiscussed although they affect a lot of people. I learned that the law is sort of a abstract something as everyone is just expected to know it but when you’re not as knowledgable as expected you can’t be excused under the excuse of being unaware of the law , this is because you’re just expected to know it. Although there currently isn’t really an instance that informs everyone about the changes in the law or even the fundamentals of the law which are based upon morals and values you’re still expected to know basic things and i think this should change and people should be properly educated about the law and the changes it goes through each

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