Informative Essay: The Most Dangerous Job Of A Police Worker

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Police officers have, in my opinion, the most dangerous job a citizen can have. They put their lives in jeopardy every day to protect us and keep us safe. Therefore, I believe that due to the rising amount of crimes and the dangers associated with the career, all police officers definitely deserve to be paid more for all their effort and hard work. Being a pPolice officers is one of the most physically and emotionally stressful jobs you can possibly have as an average everyday citizen;, therefore, this is a prime example of why they deserve to not only be paid more but also be shown ay least a little bit more respect. No matter how many people don't like the cops right now due to the riots over the so called “police brutality,”, there's no denying the fact that they have more dangerous jobs than at least ninety percent of the average working person. Nonetheless, i'm not alone in my thinking about cops and their unjustified low annual wages, as research has shown that many other people, who may not …show more content…

I, it shows just how dangerous cops’ lives are., Wand what is even more absurd is that ninety seven97 total police officers suffered fatal injuries that year, and that total is rising more and more each year. With all the risk involved with this career, normally you’d think that they would at least be paid solidly for their efforts;, but surprisingly enough, the average police salary is about $60,000, which is roughly what the average employed citizen in America makes. So for all the risk they go through every day to keep us safe, the average citizen could basically have just an ordinary desk job with no type of risk involved , and make just as much as the people that protect our streets every single day., Tthat just personally doesn't seem too fair to

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