Informative Essay: Talk Like A Pirate Day

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Talk like a Pirate Day

With summer quickly coming to an end, it can only mean one thing. We’re just a few steps closer to Halloween! One of our all time favorite Halloween get ups has to be the pirate costume. Pirates are the coolest. They speak with great accents, eat and drink all day and travel by boat to exotic destinations. But here’s the thing, one shouldn’t have to wait until Halloween to dress up like a pirate. If you love pirates as much as we do, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to live out your pirate dreams on September 19, Talk Like a Pirate Day!

The History

Yes, Talk Like a Pirate Day is an actual holiday and it’s been around for quite some time. It was started by two good friends, John Baur and Mark Summers, on June 6, 1995. One day, they were playing racquetball, and began speaking in pirate lingo just for fun. After a while, they realized talking like a pirate made the sport of racquetball much more interesting. But the key wasn’t so much the pirate slang, but it was using encouraging pirate slang that made talking like a pirate so much more appealing. …show more content…

They also realized that they must change the date from June 6 to another day, as that day was D-Day, a World War II holiday that means so much to other people. Mark had a light bulb moment, and decided they should use his ex-wife’s birthday, September 19 as the official day.

From there, the duo would continue to celebrate year after year. Nothing much came of the holiday, until one fateful event took place. John emailed, national syndicated columnist, David Barry, and told them about their special day. Dave immediately took a liking to it, wrote up a column on the guys, and the rest is history.


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