Informative Essay On Radiotherapy

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There are many uses for radioactive substances. In the medical world, there are a number of health care processes that make use of the properties of the nucleus. This is also known as Nuclear medicine ("Nuclear Medicine").
In this essay, we will be looking at a particular nuclear medical treatment; we will be looking at radiotherapy. Radiation therapy usually refers to the ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is mostly used in oncology, but it can be used for other purposes such as ionizing an overactive thyroid. The radiotherapy allows the hindering of fast reproduction of cancer cells ("Radiation Therapy").
There are two ways of using radioactive therapy. One is to undergo the therapy from outside the body using radiation from radioactive …show more content…

In fact, about 40 percent of people who are diagnosed with cancer undergo radiation therapy ("Uses of Radiation"). Additionally, it has been used to successfully treat patients for over a 100 years and during this time period the process has obviously been refined to be as safe as possible. When receiving radiotherapy, the oncology team will ensure that there is a clear plan that certifies that no fragile organs are affected by the process. However, there is a risk that the treatment will result in the development of a second cancer ("Understanding Radiation …show more content…

And, there is high possibility that there will be a new cancer that will develop later in the patient’s life, so it may solve one problem and then cause another one. Additionally, there are high risks of having side effects. The radiotherapy could affect important organs. There are ways to avoid this with modern techniques but the radiotherapy team can only reduce the risk, not eliminate it. But, the side effects are better than alternative treatments such as chemotherapy. Another point that should be considered when choosing this treatment is that relatives might be affected from the fact that the patient might be radioactive. In fact, right after the treatment the relatives cannot spend more than a few hours in order to avoid health issues. Finally, if it is an advanced cancer, the patient might be required to stay at the

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