Racial Profiling: A Degrading and Ineffective Practice

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Racial Profiling: The Truth
Racial profiling is not only demeaning to minorities, but goes against Constitutional rights given to Americans. Currently racial profiling has been discussed across the nation on whether or not police enforcement are using it for the greater good within society or using it to discrimination against certain ethics.A majority police officials are now using racial profile as an excuse to be racist. Racial profiling is not only real, however is in inhumane, and is not used as effectively as people think it is. To begin, what society is often blindsided by is that racial profiling is real, and is used in unfair manners by police officials. According to the article, “Jim Crow Policing” published on The New York Times, …show more content…

racial profiling has no positive impact on society only a negative one. It is only breaking society apart, and creating a gap of trust between law enforcement and civilians.In the Los Angeles Times article, “L.A’s newst poilce commisoner calls for a deep analysis of racial profiling accusations,” writer Kate Mather how L.A’s police commisoner wants to break down racial profiling for residents and members of the police enforements. Mather states, “McClain-Hill emphasized that she did not believe most LAPD officers are inherently biased or show up to work for any reason other than to do the very best job they can protecting this city,”(Mather 5). In today’s society its very difficult for civilians to be able to have a trusting relationship with police enforcements because what is broadcasted on the news or online. With certain group of races constantly being targeted by police and being falsely accused of doing a crime they never even did; its not easy to be able to trust or know what intentions police enforcements have. There are so many racist bias and racist police officers out there so it almost inevitable to trust ALL enforcements. Racial profiling has no should in society, and only tears people apart because of how we are treated and

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