Informative Essay On Prosthetics

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Prosthetics give people what they have lost, allowing them to live their lives again in ways thought lost. Specifically prosthetics gives people artificial limbs, eyes organs, etc. According to Dr. Grant McGimpsey and Terry C. Bradford there are almost 2 million amputees in the United States alone and around 185,000 new surgeries are preformed each year (McGimpsey). Technology in the prosthetics world has made considerable strides and will continue to improve the lives of amputees everywhere. If we are going to discuss the future we have to start with talking about the past. Prosthetics is not a new technology and according to Kim M. Nortan’s article from inMotion, prosthetics has been around sense at least 300 B.C. The first peg leg that …show more content…

Being an amputee doesn’t have to mean giving up on activates that require all limbs. It used to be that a person with an amputated foot wouldn’t be running anymore but with the surge of advancements in prosthetics a loss of limb doesn’t mean the end of walking, or running. The Boston marathon bombing left quite a few people without their legs. An article in the Daily News talks about how there was a running clinic for the amputees of the bombing. It was to teach them how to run or run better. To help prove and show people that amputation doesn’t have to be a hindrance and that they can still run that they did before. Thanks to new technology people that lost their legs were running and playing soccer. (Amputees injured in marathon bombing learn to run …show more content…

There are developments in artificial organs. These organs are getting more accepted and used in the medical field. An article in the BBC news tells of a man whose life was saved by an artificial heart. The man was in desperate need of a heart transplant and people can be on a heart transplant list for even a year. He had an artificial heart implanted in his chest and his original heart removed while he awaited a new healthy heart to become available. Before the plastic heart transplant the man could hardly go anywhere and with this artificial heart he went out and got lunch with his friends on the weekend. In the article it also talks about how the doctor said the man most likely would not have survived the wait for his new heart without the artificial one (Plastic heart gives dad Matthew Green new lease of life). Artificial organs are saving lives even if the are not permanent

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