Informative Essay On Malala And Toor Yousafzai

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Everyone knows plenty of people in their lives, whether they be family, best friends, or neighbors. But does everyone know a 20 year old woman that fought for her rights, visited Barack Obama in 2013, wrote an autobiography, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and survived after getting shot in the head for trying to go to school? Well, Ziauddin and Toor Yousafzai do! In fact, she is their daughter! Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12th, 1997. She grew up in Swat, a city in Pakistan, Asia. She was just a small girl with a love of books and a dream to get an education and become a doctor. So how did this simple plan of hers, that many girls have today, become such an impacting experience on the world? How could something so simple, like going to school, …show more content…

Well, people are. Malala was walking to school one day at age 15 when she heard gunshots. Her heart started to race. She was wondering what would happen if she accidently got hit by one. But then, despite how fast it was beating before, her heart stopped. She just realised the shots were aimed at her. But was she expecting it? Technically, school was not an option for Malala at the time. The Taliban had banned woman from going to school, right after they banned owning a television and listening to music. But Malala didn’t care. She was a strong woman who was determined to finish her education, so she went anyway. The Taliban gunman shot her in the head. It was a miracle she survived. The bullet didn’t go through her skull but instead went into the skin on the side of her head and through her shoulder. It was almost like Malala was meant to stay on Earth longer, like she would somehow change the world, and she did. Malala’s story went worldwide. You can imagine how, Malala was just a regular girl on her way to school when she got shot. So while Malala healed in a hospital, people were raving over the story, protestesting against the Taliban, but more importantly,

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