Informative Essay On Epilepsy

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When I was younger, I never thought that epilepsy would be part of my life. Then just last year, I had a seizure in the middle of a class. The day started out like a normal day until I collapsed unexpectedly while the teacher was trying to teach a math class in the afternoon. One minute, I was sitting in my chair, and the next…. I didn’t remember anything that had happened. I woke up in the back of an ambulance with all of my clothing shredded by the paramedics scissors. They didn’t know what was happening, I didn’t know what was happening, and I ended up at the hospital. They ran all sorts of tests. My parents told me that while I was unconscious, I had fallen out of my chair and began convulsing. They were very concerned and thought maybe this was a fluke that would just blow over, and it wouldn’t happen again. Two weeks later, I was working out in my basement when I began having my second seizure. I didn’t remember anything except for waking …show more content…

According to UChicago “seizures can be caused by your genes and if there are family members that have suffered from epilepsy can be passed down. Head trauma, brain conditions, prenatal brain damage, infectious diseases, and development disorder are all other causes for epilepsy” Link. My thoughts about what might be causing my seizures is genes that were passed down from my Mom who had seizures when she was younger. Though the neurologist can’t seem to pinpoint why I am actually having these seizures. In addition to genes and head trauma, experts at the Mayo Clinic say that epilepsy can be caused by infectious diseases like meningitis and encephalitis, prenatal injury, and disorders like autism (link). Based on what i’ve learned from this research I believe the epilepsy that I have has something to do with Mom and her having

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