Informative Essay On Botox

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Wrinkles, lines, creases on face can make you look much older and less attractive. No matter how much you care for the skin, with age wrinkles are bound to come. Wrinkles are generally caused by facial expressions and muscle movements and are mostly prevalent in the area around the eyes. Wrinkles on face are a nightmare for any woman. No woman would like to appear older and dull. No wonder, a large number of women and men are now turning to anti-aging Botox treatment to restore the youthful appearance. Botox is an innovative and effective way of diminishing facial expression lines such as wrinkles on the forehead, vertical frown lines and crow's feet at the outside corners of the eyes. It weakens the muscles which are responsible for the crinkling …show more content…

Due to this blockage, muscle gets paralyzed and cannot contract. Botox is injected into muscles using a narrow gauge needle and anesthesia is not used and. Botox treatment is very simple and takes only about a few minutes. Adult up to 65 years of age can go for Botox treatment. Who is not suitable for the Botox However Botox treatment is not prescribed for everyone. People who should refrain from Botox are: You should not go for Botox if you have an infection in the area where Botox would be injected. If you are pregnant and If you have a neurological disorder such as Myasthenia Gravis. Before going for the Botox treatment, it is essential that you tell your doctor if you are taking any antibiotics or any medication you are undergoing. It is best that you steer clear of alcohol a week before the Botox procedure. Anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen must also be avoided two weeks before the treatment. Complications Risks of Botox are very few. Some of the common complication which you can face after the treatment are temporary bruising and headache which usually lasts for only a day or two. If the Botox is injected too close to upper eyelids, then it can lead to eyelid drooping. However it goes away within three or four

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