Understanding and Managing Infant Vaccinations

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Michael Starry I first researched about baby vaccines. The most common are DTaP, HIB, Hepatitis B, Polio, PCV13 among others. All of these vaccines protect children from the most common illnesses around the U.S. While I was on the topic I researched how to protect a child from illnesses he/she wasnt vaccinated for like the flu and such. Keeping a baby fed and clensed is a good way of keeping the baby away from harmful germs and also insure the baby from getting sick. It is also nice to try to keep illnesses away from yourself to prevent it from spreading it from yourself to the child. Also there may be some cases of the child not needing/using vaccines to protect them from illness. Good things to talk to youre doctor about are the DTaP vaccine and PCV13. …show more content…

Getting medical staff right away is important in trying to keep something from spreading and potentially harming the baby. Afterward the reaction should be reported to VAERS or the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Your doctor will usually report this to them so they can get data on what is happening with babies around the U.S. After this you can usually call in for compensation for what had happened to you or your child by calling the VICP or Vaccine Injury Compensationg Program to gain sonething back from what had happened. Next I decided to research how to keep a baby healthy even with the flu shots since it is on topic to a babys health. Always washing hands is a perfect way to protect a baby from illness becuase it prevents them from shoving harmful material into there eyes and mouths. It is also very crucial to wash your hands when handling them because you never want them to get an illness from you or a family member. Always eating healthy is another good thing to do with a baby. Breastfeeding is a good healthy way and also making sure they are fed on time is good. Getting good sleep like 12-14 hours for a 1 year old is perfect for there health. Watching where you take a child is also

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