Informative Essay About Traveling

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Being able to take a trip by means of airplane is one of my favorite parts of travelling. I have been on so many flights in my life thanks family vacations, both long and short flights. A flight can be from state to state, one end of a country to another, or even crossing countries. No matter the length, some things stay the same, which are the most important parts. To me, a vacation doesn't begin when you leave the house, but when you take off. The experience of flying is an amazing one, and is definitely something to try to do at least a few times in your life. From the moment you walk onto the plane, you are welcomed by the crew. The people working on the flight are extremely friendly, and want to make you feel welcome. They will be …show more content…

Before you taxi and takeoff, you get to hear speeches by flight attendants on the plane's safety features like seatbelts, breathing masks, and what to do in case of emergency. I've noticed that most planes don't do actual presentations, but all of this information is in a video. After this, the pilot starts introducing themselves and the crew and information about your destination city. You'll hear more information on this later on the closer you get to your destination. You hear information like weather conditions and things to do in the …show more content…

Long flights are usually the best in providing entertainment, with plenty of free movies, shows, a games, and music all right in front of you. Above your seat is an overhead control that has switches to turn on and off the light above your seat, a button to call the flight attendant along with other controls. The seats on longer flights are also more comfortable, considering you will be sitting in them for over eight hours, rather than just 3 or 4. No matter what the length of your flight is, you will continuously feel the pressure of being so high up in the air. Your ears will let you know of elevation changes as you ascend or descend, sometimes a little uncomfortable. My experiences have all been good, excluding delays. Other than those situations flying always was fairly comfortable and easy to handle. Sometimes, the people around you make the flight seem longer than it actually is. I have had a women fall asleep on my arm, or kids around crying for hours, annoy me throughout the entire flight. The people are generally polite and kind, and apologize for anything they've done. Most of the time, everyone on the plane minds their own business, with little interaction unless they are social

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