Informative Essay About Christmas

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As everyone eventually witnesses in their lifetime, values, commodities, and traditions in our society change. Sometimes, they change so rapidly in our world that it leaves us flustered as if they even actually existed before. I mean, sure there will always be remembrances as proof that they existed, but will it ever satisfy our confusion on how quickly our society seemingly wants to approach the future and wants to move on by updating every single one of our past’s old ways it can get its hands on? Most likely, for many it will not. The situation I have just described is true for one of our world’s most popular and well-known holidays – Christmas. From recently interviewing my grandmother, I found out that the Christmas that was celebrated …show more content…

Many people, leading up to the holiday, decorate their homes with lights and a Christmas tree containing ornaments and lights as well. Some people often have a big meal with their extended family that often will consist of turkey and other festive foods important to the family. But, the biggest most familiar tradition that is celebrated by an enormous population of our world is the exchange of gifts between family and friends. Also, many children grow up with the idea that a mythical figure named “Santa Claus” brings them gifts on this day. Speaking of Santa Claus, he has become an extremely large part of Christmas and has been so well brought to attention of through songs, books, and movies that nearly our whole world may be familiar with the name. Of course, there are too many traditions to speak of since its celebrated differently around the world, but normally an idea that many consider during the holiday is to be charitable to the poor and homeless and to give back to their community, which I feel is the main importance of the holiday to me. Also, many people believe that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, and many go to a church service on this day to recognize that. Possibly all of these traditions are utilized today, as they have also been in the past as

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