Informatics and social network

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The study that combines human behavior, interaction of computing systems and transformation of an information is called Informatics. The study of informatics includes knowledge in the field of computer hardware, software, processors, satellite communication, internet services, data security, artificial intelligence, etc. A network for social interaction and personal relationships is Social Network. Informatics is playing a vital role in development of web based Social networks that serve a number of purposes for its users, majorly includes; a) creation, security , privacy, maintenance and strengthening the existing social connections, b) providing platform to upload/share private contents that depends on type of sites, c) finding new interesting contents by filtering, recommending, and organizing the content uploaded by users. Social Network websites give choice to user to publish contents or make his profile visible to network that creates possibilities to interact with other users .These purposes can be easily implemented by the advancement in the knowledge of Informatics. The number of Social networking service providers has been rising for the last decade, focusing on services for regional user groups or on services for users with particular interests. These interests may be based on relationships or motivations e.g. religious, political, commotions, protests, focused discussions and seminars, etc Tools like MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, BlogSpot, etc got an increasing popularity with internet users where they can create profile/web-links, publish their own contents and share information like contacts, multimedia, blogs, etc. with other users on networks. Few years ago, computers were very expensive and only a sma... ... middle of paper ... ...erests. Informatics also play role with the amelioration of intuitive user interfaces, that enables better user experiences. In conclusion, it can be said that Informatics must provide better solutions to evolve and strengthen these social networks. Informatics plays a vital role for providing technologies for creation and development of social networks which in-turn affect society in many different ways. Research are happening in Informatics for the contribution on the development of algorithms, applying it on cryptography, analyzing data, solve problems related to scheduling, connection, transportation, games and network analysis. The expansion of new research areas in the field of Informatics led to re-implementation of social interactions in social networking services which can be noticed by visualization of content, ease of mobility via mobile use and sharing.

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