Influence On Proxemics

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Influence of Proxemics

Specifically, according to Edward T. Hall, who has pioneered the study of spatial communication. Proxemics refers to the use of space in communication: "the study of how man unconsciously structures microspace-the distance between men in conduct of daily transaction, the organization of space in his houses and buildings, and ultimately the layout of his towns."

According to Hall, the way space is used in interaction is very much a cultural matter. In different cultures various senses assume importance. For example, as in United States, sight and hearing predominate; in other cultures, such as Arab states, smell is also important. In any cases, a necessary relation is present between the use of senses in interaction and interpersonal distances. Proxemics relations vary too because the definitions of the self are different, for these reasons, the people of a particular culture arrange their space in certain ways.

Hall has identified eight distances that may be indicative of certain types of messages. They included:
(1) Very close (3 inches to 6 inches) - soft whisper, top secret, or intimate information.
(2) Close (8 to 12 inches) - audible whisper, very confidential information.
(3) Near (12 to 20 inches) - soft voice, confidential.
(4) Neutral (20 to 36 inches) - soft voice, personal information.
(5) Neutral (4.5 feet to 5 feet) - full voice, non...

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