Influence Of Media On Decision Making

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In a society where people depend heavily on technology and media, a good part of our decisions and opinions are shaped by the media around us. The media have shaped many public political decisions and even swayed elections in ways that we never would have predicted. Citizens come to know about political situations and governmental issues primarily through various media such as televisions, blogs on the Internet and newspapers etc. These types of media have influenced thousands of individuals to think in a certain way when it comes to political decision-making and they shape the citizens’ viewpoint by simply covering only carefully selected stories and even only one side of the certain story, the side that is most beneficial for the media companies. This is also called agenda setting. The media “thinks” for the people and is successful in making people aware of what issues to focus on which ones to disregard.
Framing is also another tactic that the media uses to shape public opinion. This is the ability the media has to influence the way citizens interpret political settings. The media has the power to make any political candidate either popular or unpopular. This approach is called priming. When the media channels find a candidate that they think would bring them a lot of attention, the media decides to support them. This they call, the candidate having “momentum”. An example of this would be, the media announcing that Barack Obama has “momentum” during the 2008 elections. This made him popular and increased his voter turnout by a considerable number. Norton, (2012).
There are two types of media that influences the political field. One is paid media and the other is free media. When a candidate pays for his/her own campaigns, ad...

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...lating only one side of the story (the side which is most popular), covering what issues are most important at the time and making the public concentrate on only what only the media wants them to concentrate on. The most common ways the public gets their information during election time from are the television, newspapers and the radio. The candidates use these media to promote their campaigns. There are two types of media available to them, paid and free media. Paid media is when candidates use their personal funding to air advertisements on TV, Radio newspapers and print fliers. Although this media is quite popular, the more effective ways to get the message across is by free media. President Bill Clinton used both of these media very efficiently. Studies have been carried out to observe the effect television and newspaper have influenced the way citizens think.

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