Inflammatory Response Essay

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Primary damage response
• Inflammatory response is the first response when an injury takes place, which involves increased blood supply to the tissues so that contents of the blood can help in the healing of process. Infection is prevented by white blood cells and platelets help with clotting.
• When an athlete feels pain it’s a sign that the athlete should stop the activity they are doing because they might make the injury worst. The injured tissues send chemical messages to brain to say something is not right in the body. Swelling of tissue caused by increased blood flow putting pressure on the nerves in the area.
• Healing response – it takes about 12 hours to 4 days for an injury to start healing. Healing process involves new capillaries being made to replace the damaged …show more content…

The clot formed by platelets from the blood stream sticking together and sealing the wound. Platelets are sticky, so other platelets can stick together, which forms a platelet plug. Fibrin is formed within the blood clot to make the clot stable. Fibrin is replaced eventually by a strong collagen fiber replace the tissue that was damaged during the injury.
Physiological responses - Specific to injury
• Sprain – When ligaments are stretched or twisted or torn it’s a sprain, which is caused by excessive force being applied to a joint. Ligaments are tissue that is attached to bone. Sprains usually occur at the knees, ankles, wrists and thumbs.
• Strain – When muscle fibres stretch or tear it’s strain injury which is caused by muscle being stretched beyond its limits or forced to contract (shorten) too quickly. Muscle strains legs and back, such as hamstring strains and lumbar (lower back) strains.
• Haematomas – The collection of blood is called haematomas and it takes place when bleeding take place in the tissue. The muscle is together between the body of impact and the bone central to the

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