Inequality In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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Inequality among humans has been and always will be a problem in the world. Large sums of people are extremely wealthy, live in mansions, drive multiple cars, and will never have a financial worry. Even larger sums of people are stuck working like slaves each day, and all they have to show for it is a cement box and if lucky a few personal belongings. A great example of these two life realities is the existence and operation of sweatshops. Huge companies like Wal-Mart, Nike, Apple and many others makes tons of money in the United States, while people in third world countries are doing their dirty work for around a dollar a day! It is apparent after reading “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair that sweatshops have been an issue and huge struggle for …show more content…

He wanted to make a point and prove to people around the U.S. the reality of the working conditions immigrants were placed in. A little while after this novel had been open to the public, Upton Sinclair was quoted saying, “I aimed at the public’s heart and by accident I hit it in the stomach.” In a simplified breakdown of this quote, Sinclair meant that he wanted to help meatpacking workers, not to improve the quality of meat. The focus was meant to be on the working conditions, not the quality of the product. He incorporated many views and opinions into the text that was hoping to nudge the public toward a socialistic society. The hope for redistribution of wealth in the United States was extremely apparent. All the things Jurgis went through in his life really related back to the fact that he worked his butt off and was still very poor and underappreciated. After all the very difficult things Jurgis overcame, he finally found some hope and purpose combining some of his beliefs with that of the Socialist Party. Sinclair was so determined before drafting this novel that he took a trip to Chicago to get a firsthand visual of what was really going on and how the industry worked behind the scenes (Schlosser, ”I Aimed For The Public’s Heart….”). It is obvious that this trip really influenced his writing and made the novel that much more important to him. Unfortunately for …show more content…

The way operations are happening certain business owners are completely taking advantage of people that would do anything to make money just to support their family, while owners sit back and become rich. It is obvious that these people need work and financial help, so to make the process ethical the hard workers in sweatshops should make a reasonable and fair wage. There is no reason the top people in a company should have too much money to know what to do with it while the people that are killing themselves manufacturing the products all day live the way they have been for years. There is no such thing as a “good business” if the manufactures are not even paid a living wage. Within a business, it would be hard to argue that the people in a factory-working sunrise to sunset do not have the most demanding task. As bad as people need money in third world countries in 2015, a solution to sweatshops and people being tremendously under paid may be impossible. After putting some thought into this issue, the only possible solution I came up with that may reduce this unjust reality is the hope that future business owners care just as much about their workers’ lives as they do about their own. Like I stated earlier, there is no reason for an owner to have five different houses in five different places, while thousands of people doing the work for them share a cement

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