Inequality In Jane Eyre Essay

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Charlotte Bronte uses her Victorian novel Jane Eyre to critique what she believed to be inequalities in the class system, gender and religion. The struggle the protagonist Jane faces to become financially, intellectually and emotionally independent makes the text a classic, as these issues are still confronted by women today. Set in the nineteenth century, Jane Eyre describes a woman’s continuous journey through life in search of acceptance and inner peace. Each of the physical journeys made by the main character, Jane Eyre, have a significant effect on her emotions and cause her to grow and change into the woman she ultimately becomes. Her experiences at Lowood School, Thornfield Hall, Moor house, and Ferndean ingeniously correspond with each stage of Jane’s inner quest and development from an immature child to an intelligent and sophisticated woman. Ten-year-old Jane, orphaned by the death of her parents and uncle, led a discontented life under the care of her aunt, Mrs. Reed.
Brontë uses the novel to express her critique of Victorian class differences. During the Victorian Era there was distinct segregation between the upper and lower classes. For instance an upper class women really had no specific role in the house hold as they could afford maids, and governesses do you majority of their jobs. Women of the lower class however were less educated, fewer resources and lesser opportunities. From a social perspective, today without money you are powerless, and although social status and hierarchy isn’t as clearly marked, money determines your position in society.
During the novel of Jane Eyre, the protagonist Jane is constantly defying the societal norms to give the reader the impression that social class doesn’t determine your...

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Although Jane ends up rejecting all three models of religion, she does not abandon morality, spiritualism, or a belief in a Christian god. When her wedding is interrupted, she prays to God for support. As she wanders the heath, poor and starving, she puts her survival in the hands of God. Jane says;
“Be not far from me, for trouble is near: there is none to help but you”
She credits God with helping her to escape what she knows would have been an immoral life. For Jane, religion help control immoderate passions, and it spurs one on to worldly efforts and achievement. These achievements include full self-knowledge and complete faith in god. Jane demonstrates that it is ok to break boundaries and be different in the path of creating your own identity, but it’s important to be true and follow the correct path in doing so.

I haven’t yet written a conclusion yet

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