Industrial Western Movie: There Will Be Blood

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There Will be Blood (2007) is an entertaining movie that delineates in various forms that will be discussed from other western genres. It is a story that is formed from a novel by Upton Sinclair’s book, Oil! (1927) (Belton, 2009, p.401). Many westerns were based on dime novels that were written in the mid and late 1800s (Belton, 2009, p.246). American society was going through a transitional period from an agrarian society to an industrial society in the 1800s and early 1900s (Wright 2001; Desk Encyclopedia, 1989, pp. 27-28, 630-631). The change in revolutions could explain the difference in most western genres and the movie There Will be Blood. In fact, one important different aspect is the contrasts between There Will be Blood and other westerns is that most westerns are based on novels that were written earlier than Upton Sinclair’s OIL!. The United States had become more industrial and had started to change their morals, interactions, rationality, autonomy, and self-interests. These differences will compared by showing how There Will be Blood uses an anti-hero, industrialism, deceit, greed, and what is to be considered a more eastern way of life.

Most westerns have a heroic cowboy that fights against corrupt officials to save a small helpless town or a person in need of help. They also have women who are attracted to the cowboy, and Indians who the cowboy usually fights. The cowboy is moral and fights for good because he is free from civilization its deceit and the wilderness (Wright, 2001, pp. 18-58; Belton, 2009, pp. 248-249). Most cowboys who emerge in western films are honest and forthright.

There Will be Blood portrays a different character than the usual cowboy that emerges from the west. It is set in the same geog...

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...ho his attitude and treatment of others. Both of Plainview’s closest relationships deteriorate because of his demeanor, inevitable hatred for people, distrust, and competitive nature. All of these differences between the average western and There Will be Blood could be because of the time difference and how society viewed the industrial revolution.


(1989). The New American Desk Encyclopedia. New York, New York: New American Library.

Belton, John. (2009). American Cinema/American Culture. New York, New York: Mcgraw/Hill Publications.

Rudin, Scott & Schlosser, Eric & Williams, David (Producers), & Anderson, Paul. Thomas. (Director). (2007). There Will be Blood [Motion Picture] Marin County, California: Paramount Vantage & Miramax Films

Wright, Will. (2001). The Wild West: The Mythical Cowboy & Social Theory. New Delhi, London: Sage Publications.

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