Individuality In Lord Of The Flies And Brave New World

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Today people value individuality over all else. Individuality and a combination and variations of numerous beliefs and traditions create a unique culture. Culture can only sustain itself if the governmental authority allows freedom otherwise people become clones or unless the governmental authority restrains people from discriminating against others. A balance of freedom and rules allows for the continued humanization of the individual. William Golding and Aldous Huxley’s contemporary dystopian novels reflect a similar theme. For instance, both Lord of the Flies and Brave New World show how the dehumanization of the individual leads to the destruction of culture. However, the authors’ messages collaborate that both a totalitarian rule and the …show more content…

Simon helps the littums and tries to help everyone but Jack kills him for attempting to help the rest by revealing the beast: “It was crying out against the abominable noise, something about a body on the hill” (Golding 152). Jack has complete control over all the boys, enough so that they would kill one of their own because Jack said so. Golding reveals how the lack of rules lead to savagery and the lack of any moral conscience, but also reveals that the lack of rules and total freedom leads to a totalitarian authority in power. John the Savage had freedoms unlike anyone else, yet suffers the most for his own choices due to the oppressive World Controllers: “His back was horizontally streaked with crimson, and from weal to weal ran thin trickles of blood” (248). John punishes himself to repent for the sinful actions he partook in at the encouragement of the government by whipping himself. Huxley demonstrates how although the government allows the freedom of sex, they do not condone ideals like family, love, attachment. In order to balance out the freedom of sex and promiscuity, repentance must occur and blood must spill so that the world does not completely devolve into a chaotic mess without morality. William Golding and Aldous Huxley’s novels may appear opposite however the theme remains the same that the dehumanization of the individual will occur without the restraint of individuality

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