Income And Wealth Inequality Essay

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This essay will discuss the individual and social consequences of income and wealth inequality. It will do so by outlining the consequence, showing evidence of its existence in society and explaining in terms of sociological perspectives and the views of theorists – then judging its significance. The essay begins with 2 social consequences – high crime levels and a meritocratic society - then 2 individual consequences – suicide and unequal healthcare access – and explain them in terms of Functionalism and Marxism. This essay will supply contemporary evidence to back up each point and explain them with reference to a variety of academic sources – such as the work of Punch, and Alatas and Sinha - One of the more acknowledged social consequences of income and wealth inequality is that it results in high levels of crime. Income and wealth inequality has resulted in a minority of people …show more content…

Referring back to Marx’s theory on conflict, the bourgeoisie have more control over the social institutions within society as they control the majority of societies wealth. Therefore, they can afford to send their children to better quality schools and even additional tutors which increases their children’s chances of attaining better jobs - and moreover better incomes (Inniss, 2011). This means that not only do those in the upper class have more of a chance of getting a higher income, they also are able to prevent those in the working class from reaching the top even if they work harder than them as they have total control over societies institutions which disproves the idea that society is entirely based on meritocracy. This also proves the significance of social consequences of income and wealth inequality as it has allowed for the rich few to have control over the lives of the majority of society and can continue to further the gap between them

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