Inca Achievements

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The Incas had a very long history. The Incas popped up in the 12th Century in the High Andes region. The first Inca ruler was named Pachacuti Yupanqui, he founded the famous Inca monument Macchu Picchu. In 1471-1493 the city of Pachacamac was took over by the Incas. After Pachacamac got tooken over Pachacuti Yupanqui doubled the size of the Inca empire. Yupanqui fought the Chancas and defeated them to make the Inca capital Cuzco. In 1470 after Yupanqui defeated the Chancas the Incas conquered the Chimu Civilization. The capital of Spanish Peru is Lima. In the Inca tribe they had over 100 ethnic groups. In 1510 sadly the Incas abandoned the settlement of Macchu Picchu. The Incas had its greatest extent in 1530. The big battle of was fought …show more content…

In the beginning of the Inca Empire most of the people died of smallpox. The emperors that Pizzaro and the Spanish killed were named Topac and Amuru. Pizzaro just watched them die the Spanish did the real work, and all of this stuff happened in 1572. The Inca Empire officially fell when Francisco and the Spanish took over.

The Inca achievements are a lot of things we have today. The accomplishments were making flutes, drums, callenders, pottery, and cloth. The Incas callender was popular but not as popular as the Mayans. The Incas were also known for Inferigating Imperial Policies with ethnic diversity which was way ahead of their time.One fun fact was that th Incas invented freeze-dry foods.

The Incas geography was very great in size. The Incas flourished part of South America in 1425-1532. The Incas capital was named Cuzco, South America. The geography was largely mountainous and mostly populated in the West Coast of South America. Macchu Picchu was one of the most important landmarks in the Inca history, it was located in the High Andes. For some reason the Incas gave up the settlement of Macchu Picchu. The climate zone for the Incas was labeled in Tierra Fria. When Huayna Capac was leader of the Incas he built fortresses, temples, and …show more content…

In 1100 Manco Capac started to be leader for the Incas. After he served as leader a guy named Pachacuti Yupanqui served as leader until 1450 CE. He only served for 1 year then got executed by Francisco Pizzaro and the Spanish Conquistadors. The Inca government was Monarchy. The Incas called their empire Tawantinsayo. When the Incas went to war they mostly used hand-to-hand combat but if they didn’t they used axes, clubs, lances, and parras. You could only serve in the war if you were 25-50.

The downfall of the Incas was very harsh. In the beginning of the Inca Empire most of the people died of smallpox. The emperors that Pizzaro and the Spanish killed were named Topac and Amuru. Pizzaro just watched them die the Spanish did the real work, and all of this stuff happened in 1572. The Inca Empire officially fell when Francisco and the Spanish took over.

The Inca achievements are a lot of things we have today. The accomplishments were making flutes, drums, callenders, pottery, and cloth. The Incas callender was popular but not as popular as the Mayans. The Incas were also known for Inferigating Imperial Policies with ethnic diversity which was way ahead of their time.One fun fact was that th Incas invented freeze-dry

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