In the Company of Strangers

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In Ralph Ellison’s novel, Invisible Man, the invisible man encounters many people on his journey to self discovery. Such journeys are not meant to be undergone alone, but instead with the help of others’ advice, actions and experiences. These individuals, though they only appear briefly, leave a lasting impression on the invisible man. In particular, Mr. Norton, Dr. Bledsoe, and the vet all have a significant impact on the invisible man’s personal decisions, outlook on society and provide valuable lessons that aid in the development of his identity as an invisible man. Though the invisible man does not realize it initially, Mr. Norton has a profound impact on the invisible man’s insight into the corruption and deception of white authority. Mr. Norton is one of the many white fathers who initially seems to help the invisible man, but ultimately deceives him. He is described as having “A face pink like St. Nicholas’, topped with a shock of silk white hair” (Ellison 37). St. Nicholas is the ultimate father figure that has the power to either reward socially acceptable behaviour, or punish rebellious actions. His authority makes it hard for the invisible man to refuse his demands, even though the invisible man knows following some of Mr. Norton’s orders will bring him trouble. The invisible man is doomed whether he chooses to obey or disobey these orders, as both will result in consequences. One consequence would be a result of disobedience, while the other of blind obedience. For this reason, Mr. Norton influences the invisible man’s actions through his execution of demands and ignorant respect for the white society. This early encounter with Mr. Norton is what triggers the many disappointments to come on the invisible man’s jour... ... middle of paper ... ...n never experiences such clarity. The significant presence of Mr. Norton, Dr. Bledsoe and the vet all develop the invisible man’s identity, through their actions and advice. Even though the invisible man does not comprehend the lessons initially, they all have a part in the acceptance of his invisibility and his newfound understanding of society’s corruption. The many different people that may come and go in one’s life can leave an everlasting imprint on how one sees the world and one’s place in it. It is these important people, who one encounters even for a short time, that shape an individual’s actions and beliefs. One’s society’s culture and interactions can greatly impact an individual’s life; however, it is up to the individual whether to be empowered by the encounters and challenge society, or to learn nothing and allow themselves to follow along and conform.

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