Unsettling Tales: The Indian Removal Act of 1830

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In the 1800’s Indians were basically kicked out of their: home, land, territory, that resigned in the west. By basically being in tricked into signing a form saying they would get their land back in the future. The current president at the time Andrew Jackson got the Indians to sign the treaties, which basically made them leave the west. Soon after the Supreme Court decided that Indians could not hold titles to land. Tribes try to resist as much as they could, without violence. In 1830 Andrew Jackson created the Indian removal act. Which meant that Indians could move east and give their land up in the west. It was supposed to be peaceful, however the Indians resisted. So, Americans forced them to leave. Some Indians however decided to stay, but that did not sit well with many Americans.
In relation to the video In Whose Horror, A women basically sees her culture being disrespected …show more content…

This topic shows how American just don’t care what they do to Indians. From insulting their culture to just plain out kicking them out. They were removed from the west, had their culture disrespected, and still to this day the same thing is still happening. America just don’t care, probably because most leaders didn’t. Like I stated previously President Jackson conned they into signing a treaty and now our current president Donald trump build a pipeline in their territory.
Both topics also relate to the building of the Dakota pipeline. After President Trump approved to controversial pipelines caused a very bad reaction from many Indians. Many Indians decided to block the building of the Dakota pipeline. Indians are doing this because once again it’s their territory being violated. Also, once again America does not again. For many year- like you’ve seen throughout this film critique- Americans just want land. They don’t care if they insult Indian culture. They just want they want and don’t care who they

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