In Time Dystopian

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In Time
In Time is a high concept sci-fi film about a world in which currency is replaced with direct bartering of people’s time. Every citizen is given a year to start out with, which at the age of 25 starts ticking down. The film’s macro plot casts this society as a typical capitalist failure state, wherein the seeming equality provided from the market results in widespread inequality as power accumulates from generation to generation. The plot centers on Will Salas, who is a poor factory worker making only one day every day. After the system results in the early death mother, while the rich live nearly infinite lives, Will vows to get revenge on the system. He teams up with/kidnaps the daughter of a rich banker, and they work together to disrupt the system.
While the movie displays a dystopia, I don’t think the movie is actually negative about scientific advances. The characters view the ability to live as long as one needs as a strictly positive and beautiful thing. What makes this society dystopic is not the bio-tech at play, but instead it’s economics. The arc of the movie is righting the economic wrong, while preserving the technical advancement. …show more content…

People in the film don’t physically age past 25, but once they reach that age their 1 year clock starts counting down. The film doesn’t go into why the finite limit on life is required, nor how this time-as-money system came to be implemented. Ultimately, the film doesn’t really explore deeply the social premises brought about through radically extending life, but instead looks at what life would be like if class markers were more literal. The movie casts these technologies negatively, but puts the blame not with the technologies, but with idea of a capitalist

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