In The Mountain King Analysis

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“In the Hall of the Mountain King” is a movement in the Peer Gynt Suite by Edvard Grieg that my orchestra performed in the fall of 2014. As I read about the death of an elephant in Wells Tower’s essay “Who Wants to Shoot an Elephant,” I heard this song in the background. The opening of the song is slow and measured, as if the song wishes to sneak behind you before it attacks, just like Robyn Waldrip stalks the different elephants. Then, as the song gets closer to revealing the Mountain King, the pace picks up, and you are caught in the web of wonder and awe as the tempo picks up and the beating of your heart is aligned with the beating of the bass drum. This is how you feel when Robyn finally picks her target. The song continues to hold you in its grip, just as you are held when Robyn fires bullet after bullet, trying to bring down her elephant. Then, suddenly, it is over. You see the elephant is dead. One of the key terms to understanding Tower’s main point are the phrases “coolly and …show more content…

Tower shows the reader, in no uncertain terms, that he himself struggles with his emotional reaction to hunting and shooting an elephant. We see him chastise himself for his emotional reactions, desperately trying to logic his way through them. In trying to compartmentalize his own emotions, he attempts to make the readers do the same. His description of dismembering the dead elephant is one of these attempts: “As the knives flash, the animal becomes less extraordinary, less like the world’s largest land mammal and more a bricolage of familiar butcher-shop hues. The trunk is stripped of its leather, and for

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