In Cold: Committing A Crime In America?

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Have you ever heard the saying, “Crime doesn’t pay,” or “If you do the crime, you do the time?” Merriam- Webster defines crime as an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by state and is punishable law. There is a lot of crime being committed each year not only in America, but worldwide. Although people only look at what is happening here in America, the crime rate in some countries surpasses the ones here in America. There are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 populations in the United Kingdom (UK), making it the most violent place in Europe. Committing a crime nowadays for any person(s) is almost common and crime does not discriminate whether you are here in America or abroad. In the film “In Cold …show more content…

Smith’s father abused his mother and his siblings and his mother gather their belongings and moved away. Perry, mother committed suicide when he was just thirteen years old and he and his siblings had to be placed in a Catholic orphanage, where he was abused physically and mentally there also. Like Perry Smith, one of Aileen parents also committed suicide; her father. With her father dead and abandoned by her mother, she and her brother went and lived with her grandmother who was an alcoholic and abused them too. With the childhood, both Smith and Wuornos experienced they were destined to become violate people or maybe even worse just as they turned out to be. It was not always like that with the two killers. In the opening scene, one of Charlize lines who plays Aileen were “When I was I thought for sure that one day, I could be a big, big star. Or maybe just beautiful…beautiful and rich, like the women on T.V. I had a lot of dreams.” That is just what Smith would do, daydreaming of him being famous playing his guitar some place in Las Vegas. They both would escape somewhere in their minds to be someone else. At the beginning of the film “In Cold Blood” the music kind of gives the audience that feel of something is about to happen and it is not going to good for the person on the receiving end. The heavy use of jazz music helped influence the …show more content…

In both films, “In Cold Blood” and “Monster” the title themselves represent the idea of good and evil, a cold blooded crime and a monstrous act. One symbol in “In Cold Blood” was that silver dollar. After looking all around the home and growing restless the two killers are willing to take anything of value and that’s just what Perry did. He would frisked the girl’s room and found a little purse, like a doll purse. Inside it was a silver dollar. Perry is thinking about the silver dollar right before he killed Herb. The image of a cruel killer looking under the bed when he dropped the silver dollar was just like the crime itself pointless. On the other hand a revolver hand gun that Aileen used and carried around when meeting her “tricks or johns” was one of the main symbols in this movie. The gun represents death for any man she had come in contact with alongside many Florida roads. A long line of sexual abuse and not having any money would drive her into prostitution by this time in the movie. Guns play a significant role in the murders of both films. Another thing to consider was Mexico. Perry and Dick had talked about Mexico a few times. They were convinced that Mexico would be the place for them to live out the remainder of their lives once they had completed the job. Unlike Perry and Dick, Aileen after she committed her first murder she did not think or went on the run at all. Instead she went and picked up her

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