Impulsivity Self-Related Study

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Introduction Impulsivity is one characteristic is associated with various addictions. Impulsivity is one of the symptoms that are seen with ADHD, impulse control disorders, and bipolar disorder. Components of impulsivity consist of inattention, hyperactivity, failure of control and risk taking. Research shows that impulsivity self-report and behavioral measures are correlated in several studies. The purpose of the study was to investigate the correlation between impulsivity self-report and behavioral measures in individuals with ADHD. Two groups were compared between individuals with and without history of diagnosis of ADHD. Hypotheses included a multi-component solution, which self-report and behavioral measures would be present in different …show more content…

The BIS, Behavioral Inhibition/Behavioral Approach System Care, the Impulsive Sensation Seeking Subscale, and the Stroop Color Word Interference Task were administered, except for the BART. Self-report measures were carried out by the BIS while the behavioral measures were obtained by completing the BART assessment. Scores were changed into z scores for each of the measurements. A principal components analysis known as PC was conducted. The parallel analysis was conducted with fifteen variables. Also, a regression analysis was done to predict the group assignment with PCA components as predictors. Results The Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure showed that the analysis was acceptable and the Bartlett's test was significant with a chi-square value of 943.16 and a p value less than 0.001. No behavioral measurements loaded on the three components. Between each component, correlations were found when analyzing self-report measures, BAS subscales, and the remaining self-report measures. A logistic regression was conducted and the overall success of the prediction included 85.3%. A second regression was conducted with BART and no significant predictors.

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