Importance Of Work And Family Balance Essay

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INTRODUCTION Nowadays, organization are more focused and involved on family issues and offer various types of family supportive services to meet the needs of individuals with different work and personal lifestyles (Lobel, Googins, and Banker, 1999). Many women in the labor force feel increase level of conflict between work and family in their lives (Poelmans & Sshibzada, 2004). Work life balance is important to working parents especially women to balance between their works and individual responsibilities and to ensure they stay loyalty and maintain the productivity in the organization. Clark (2000) views work–family balance as ‘‘satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home with a minimum of role conflict’’. Greenhaus, Collins and Shaw (2003) define work-family balance as the “extent to which an individual is equally engaged in -and equally satisfied …show more content…

Work Life Conflict exists when time and energy demands to satisfy one role make it difficult to participate in other (Duxbury et al., 2001). Work-life conflicts have significant negative impact on the workers’ health, psychological and physical needs, and job productivity (Felstead, Jewson, Phizackleaand Walters 2002). Organizations improve their effort to help employee to overcome work life conflicts by improving organization’s human resources policies and practices and improve their effort to recruit, retain and motivate valuable employee in the highly competitive market (De Cieci et al., 2005; Nord et al, 2002). Organization’s strategy to help employee to cope with the work family conflict may has positive impact on profitability and employee satisfaction and

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