Importance Of Success Story

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Walking back on the same grounds I once used to belong to was a bit of a slap in the face and a warm hug, all at the same time. This is where my success story began. I was on top of the world and they wanted me to come back and share it. Of course they were open to me and gave me a big hug. But, what they didn’t know, made me feel like I had gotten slapped in the face. Slapped with guilt, disappointment and failure. I look around, seeing faces I used to know so well. Now, they just part of a distant memory. They seem happy. Smiling and laughing, they are all talking to each other. Giving hugs and reminiscing about old times. I wonder if they can see that I am not doing that. Should I just fake it? I wonder if they can see the truth seeping …show more content…

You know, the one that addresses the principal by name, important people by name, fellow humans at large and others? Yeah, that one. That wasn 't too bad. I take a look at my semi-crumbled paper and suddenly I feel that I can no longer read. Is it possible to wake up one day and completely forget how to do something that you learn at age 6? "So, when I was asked to come and give a speech, I was truly honored." Actually, I was mortified. "I loved my time here and couldn 't be more pleased to come back and share some fond memories and talk about different things that have been going on in my life thus far." Actually, I wanted to scream when I got the invitation. "I really made sure that my time here was well spent and really prepped me for my future." Actually, I did try, but did not succeed at all. "When I was elected Most Likely To Succeed and Most Successful, I knew I had big shoes to fill. But, I was confident that I could do it." Actually, I didn 't know how big they were. "So, right after school, I went to a great college on an academic and service scholarship, participated in many activities and was loving college life! Grades were great, friends were great, life was …show more content…

"I got a lot out of that job, many great experiences." Actually, I have many great stories to tell about a whole bunch of people who have had a few too many beers and how to make fancy mixed drinks. "Life was going great! I had my first apartment, a job, volunteer experience, and my family is really supportive." Actually, my parents kept asking me why I wasn 't dating anyone. They wanted grandchildren. "Now, here I am, for the most part. I 've gone on a few trips, done some pretty cool things. My life is pretty great." Actually, that 's a complete lie. "Now, for the fond memories of this place. I loved walking down the halls and seeing everyone 's smiling faces everyday. I loved all of our times together and all of the times we spent laughing together. Actually, this is the truth. I just wish that life could still be like this. I felt like I was rambling. I had things written down, but, for some reason, I couldn 't make the words out. Maybe I 'm going blind? I don 't know. I wonder if they can all tell I am stumbling over my own words. I know I have been up here for a few minutes, at

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