Importance Of Studying English Essay

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Language is the soul of nations, countries and people. Each country has its own unique, charming, melodic, native language, which is being taught from our childhood. I think that knowing and learning foreign language is the key to development. What is more, it can help to achieve economic success. Those who learns English, German, Polish can be reward in their future, because they’ll be highly trained, educated people. As a result, such persons are also better paid people. I believe that a person, who studies some language studies the world.
Of course, there are those, who argue that learning English is not necessary for their good future. To my mind, It’s became a bare necessity in nowadays society to learn language.
As for me, the best …show more content…

I study English at school. I participate in private courses of learning Polish. I had a great chance to communicate with American volunteers which came to our school. I travelled to Poland and understand that knowing such languages as English and Polish is really helpful in discovering the world, it broads up my mind, it opens my talents and desire to be a good pupil and in the future a good …show more content…

We can do this with people of different classes, nationalities, countries. The main condition is to learn the language, than you’ll learn the world. Language is – multifunctional, so anyone can master this or another one. Language is a ticket into the world travelling, education, making friends! No wonder that my mother likes to say ‘Learn the language – learn yourself, learn the world. It will be easier to live!’
Now almost all of social networking sites, music, interesting movies, games are voiced in English. This is another good reason to learn English, even in order to be in touch with world’s development. By studying some language at the same time you may find lots of new friends, lots of amazing facts about world’s customs and traditions, culture. It can help you to investigated useful information, to read authentic books. It can also be regarded as a study of the world to some extent. So, by learning languages we get lots of

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