Importance Of Self Reliance Essay

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Trust Thyself? Why? “Trust thyself.” Emerson’s central message seems to resonate with us Americans. After all, the value of self-reliance has long been a part of the American spirit. Self-reliance, trusting one’s own thoughts, ideals, and dreams, appeals to our desire to be free and independent. Plato, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman all have their own varying ideas on the notion of self-reliance, but common to them all is the promotion of self-reliance as a virtue. To be free of the expectations and demands of others to pursue our own happiness, is certainly an inspirational idea. However, is self-reliance practical? Is it even possible? The lack of true self-reliance in our rather individualistic societies seems to suggest otherwise.
A boy is in the parlour what the pit is in the playhouse; independent, irresponsible, looking out from his corner on such people and facts as pass by, he tries and sentences them on their merits, in the swift, summary way of boys, as good, bad, interesting, silly, eloquent, troublesome. He cumbers himself never about consequences, about interests: he gives an independent, genuine verdict. You must court him: he does not court you. But the man is, as it were, clapped into jail by his consciousness.
Were humans as just as Socrates believed, born with intrinsic greatness as Emerson believed, or as sure of their place in the universe as Whitman suggests, then perhaps the appeal of self-reliance would be stronger. However, grand ideals must be tempered by harsh realities.
The notion of self-reliance appeals to us because I believe we all have once thought about quitting that job we hate, dropping that class we are bored to tears in, or changing our major that we chose only because of the career prospects. We dream of throwing aside all of our obligations and fears to pursue what we really want, think what we really want, and be what we really want to be. Then we wake up to the blaring of an alarm clock and begrudgingly stumble off to our regular lives. Because, well, a man’s gotta eat after

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