Importance Of Self-Denial

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Self-denial A traditional approach to spiritual realization would include repetitive prayer, painful disciplines, suffering misfortune, social isolation, and poverty. Most who take such a path of self-denial expect to realize something of great value and personal significance; but there is an incongruity in practicing self-denial as a means of self-awareness. The end negates the means! The objective refutes the methodology. The destination denies the journey. If there is any validity to self-denial then ignorance is the only end that would be justified by such means. A spiritual pilgrim on the path of self-denial would never arrive at the realization he seeks, for he would have to deny himself the benefit, the satisfaction, the fulfillment, …show more content…

If they ever come to know a God of Love, an infinite Being, if they ever confront the implications of the concept of Our Father which art in heaven, or the realization that I and my Father are one, or if they even begin to consider themselves a child of God - then they would have to accept themselves as a spiritual being, here and now. Those who deny themselves would have trouble accepting that as their truth. Those who think they are separate from God, who think themselves to be just human, deny the infinite Life, and deny themselves the experience of It. Do not deny yourself if you would find and accept the infinite God, within. The first realization is this: “We arrive at a consciousness of Unity only in such degree as we see that what we are looking FOR, we are looking WITH, and looking AT.” [The Science of Mind, pg. 124]

Consciousness Holmes asserts that: “clear thinking, health, happiness, friendships, and prosperity” are necessary steps in support of a spiritual realization, and then he states that they are also the consequence of such a realization.

“Looked at another way, it is just as correct to say that spiritual realization is the basis of all those experiences. Attaining a high spiritual consciousness, which we call realization, man is automatically assured of all these other things. It is a rule that works both …show more content…

6:33] What things were to be added, once we arrive at our realization? According to Jesus, food and drink and clothing. Our needs would be met. And, if you search the scriptures a bit further you’ll find that Jesus also taught that we could expect to get more of what we give, and to reap more than we sow, and to be entrusted with more of what we put to good use. There is not much difference between his assurance and the health, wealth and happiness which Holmes wrote

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