Importance Of Railroad Essay

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The importance of how people should be aware and cautious of Railroad is very critical and can affect the train's driver, the people surrounding the train, and unfortunately any victims. It was said on a site that as the number of cars in the area of train or railroad, the more people die at the tracks in cause of a car-train collision. The odds of the person involved in the crash to live are not very high, so it is very important to remember to be extremely aware of their surrounds at all times around railroad crossings. When operating your vehicle near a crossing be sure to turn down any music or noise to get rid of any potential distractions, so you do not miss when train’s whistle goes off to indicate it is drawing close. At night times it is highly critical to be even more cautious, drivers need to make sure if lights are flashing, or if the bridge is down and if it is be sure to slow down and come to a complete stop and wait for train to leave and then proceed with caution afterwards. …show more content…

If by any chance your car has stopped in the middle of the tracks exit the vehicle immediately! Along with any other passengers inside, do not try to get the car working just leave the car. It is not worth the life of someone, that you can not replace as in a car you can replace. Another thing to be aware of and not to do is of course walking on the tracks, it is unsafe because if you do decide to do so you may be distracted listening to music or texting and if a train is approaching you might not have time to move out of the

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