Importance Of Quality Time Essay

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How much quality time do you spend as a family? Learn what ‘quality time’ really means, and how you can build stronger bonds with your partner and children. With an ever-growing list of tasks to accomplish each day, it’s easy to let time with your partner and children slip down your priorities. But as Kristen Harding from My Family Care explains, spending quality time together is important – it helps our children to feel more confident and secure, builds stronger family bonds and is good for our own emotional health. What does ‘quality time’ mean? What exactly does ‘quality time’ mean? It’s an expression we hear often but is hard to quantify – every family is different, and its meaning will vary from household to household. For some people …show more content…

We argued, played tricks on each other and even tried to get our little brother to do our chores for us without anyone noticing! We had our disagreements, but through it all we were family, and we stuck with each other whether we liked it or not – through thick and thin. I’m glad I have the family I have. Our seven-month family adventure There are many defining moments for our family, but when I was 16 my parents made a life-changing decision – a decision that would shock and horrify some families, and maybe even cause some to crack, but for our family it was a defining seven months. Two parents – already labelled as crazy by some of their friends – and three children (aged 16, 13 and 9) piled into a minivan with a map and a few bookings and set off on an adventure. Where we went, and what we did along the way was for us to figure out as a family. My parents were brave, they recognised our strengths and handed over a lot of power. My littlest brother loved research, so it was his job to find out what was happening when we arrived at a new destination and present us with our options. My other brother had a budget, and it was up to him to make the money last, reigning us in every now and

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