Importance Of Public Opinion In Democracy

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In democratic America, public opinion is of the highest importance. Democracy, a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Consequently, the views of the public have a essential part on a variety of issues in deciding the nature of government. The people specially choose their representatives, which shape the government. The politicians continue to be their job happily as long as public opinion about them is expressed through the press, the radio, television, and social media platforms in a positive way.
The people get the kind of government they desire. If public opinion is utilized properly by the government and political officials regarding the current issues and problems, the government would be more efficient. Public opinion plays a vital role in today’s democracy. In many different countries, they have polls to know the opinion of the people on big issues that the nation’s facing. Public opinion is a good index of the people’s satisfaction with their leaders and the function of government.
Thus public opinion is a very important part in determining the fate of the government. However public opinion is not always a reliable way of understanding the thoughts and …show more content…

the press,Television, and social media are all forms of public communication and have a significant role. The press is the most important part in the formation of public opinion. The press report current events and interpret them to the readers or viewers. This helps people take part in the affairs of the country. It teaches the people to make improvements to the government as a common interest. It can also press the government to postpone or delay some action which is likely to go against the public interest. The press is very vital to the education in a democracy. This is an example why a free and public press is crucial in the United States government during the Trump

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