Importance Of Professional Accounting

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he accountancy profession is rated highly in terms of its demonstration of certain values, attributes and behaviours considered important for supporting public value. A competent professional accountant in business is an invaluable asset to the company. These individuals employ an inquiring mind to their work founded on the basis of their knowledge of the company’s finance. Using their skills and intimate understanding of the company and the environment in which it operates, professional accountants in business ask challenging questions. Their training in accounting enables them to adopt a pragmatic and objective approach to solving issues. This is a valuable asset to management, particularly in small and medium enterprises where the professional accountants are often the only professionally qualified members of staff.

Like other professions, professional management accountants are increasingly challenged to demonstrate their skills and professions in the business organizations. They also need to show their ability to accept and evolve a lot of challenges. Management accountants are now better placed to move to leading position.

The value of professional accountants will be measured by the extent to which they are perceived to be accountable not only to
The same applies at the national level. Public education on the diverse roles of professional accountants in business needs to be stepped up so as to increase the visibility of these roles. Professional accounting bodies also need to pay attention to their members in business and provide them with the support they need in order to succeed in their roles. Their voices also need to be represented. Achieving success on all these fronts will drive continued recognition by society of the value of professional accountants in business. This shapes the continued success of the accountancy profession as a

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