Importance Of Macro Environment In Marketing

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1. Why is marketing important? it is important because marketing is the one that have an action in doing of promoting and selling products or services. Marketing know how to deal with thier customer needs and they have the strenght to know how their customer can be satisfied to the product they are going to build . According to Theodore C. Levitt a retired professor in Harvard university Marketing is way differ from selling because selling only focus on itselfs and they are formulating techniques for the customer to buy the product while in Marketing they make sure that they are viewing entire business process. Marketing wanted to discover how their customer going to buy their product, how are they going to create the product, how can they arouse the customer and satisfying the customer needs and wants. discover, create, arouse and satisfy the needs of customer. 2. Explain the marketing management process cite examples Marketing management process is a process where setting the business goals formulated in the business. Controlling over the business is also a marketing management process because you have to management well how to control the busineses transaction. Organizing the business is also under the marketing management process because in oraganizing you have to secure all the things that must be settle and …show more content…

Discuss the role of analyzing Macro environment in formulating marketing strategies and cite examples of significant trends in today's macro environment for the service industry. Macro environment includes what trends in todays gross domestic product. macro environment can determine whether businesses will expand in the industry, whether consumers will spend more for their product, whether seniors will have enough for retirement, whether homelessness will going to settle their life and many other. macro environment have to deal through political and social conditions, technological changes in todays world and natural forces that will going to

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