Importance Of Internal Medicine

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Coming from a middle class background, my family has come across many financial constraints. I still remember the situation getting so difficult that I had to give up school for some time. However, my parents have always been positive about the future, and it is through their optimism, motivation, and work ethic that I was able to return back to my studies. Through my childhood experiences I learned hard work, struggle, determination and confidence. I was looking forward to a profession that required these qualities, and hence I found the medical field the most compatible for myself. I set my targets firmly on getting into one of the finest medical schools in the country.

I started medical school expecting hard work, challenging situations …show more content…

Almost immediately, I found myself attracted towards Internal Medicine. The diversity of thinking and the involvement of millions of neuronal synapses leading to one diagnosis, like the mysteries of the famous Sherlock Holmes, is something that I really enjoy. I still remember a patient, an elderly lady with a series of symptoms and inter-connecting events that led to the stroke she had. This collection of symptoms involves every organ of the body, and urges the brain to correlate each aspect, always inspires me. I believe Internal Medicine is the biggest library, linking every angle of the patient 's signs and symptoms like an art, and I find this incredibly fascinating. A career in the field would be a dream come true for …show more content…

Working in a tertiary care hospital, with the highest patient turn up and limited resources, was a perplexing situation, however it was very inspiring to see how a little extra effort can greatly benefit a patient. Dealing patients with a variety of complaints helped me boost my clinical knowledge. Through each patient encounter, I was able to modify my clinical approach. During the course of my internship, I found myself as a friend, physician, caregiver, counselor and above all, a human being who tried to listen and understand the distress the patients and their families

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