Importance Of Imagination In Huckleberry Finn

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The Hidden value of imagination in Huckleberry Finn
Imagine being in a world where all you could see around you was the distinct reality, no situation was able to be changed into something more it was what it was and nothing else. Imagine as a child you see your dog get ran over by a car and every time you miss the dog you simply imagine that he or she was visiting was traveling the world and you could visit them one day. As a child we tend to protect ourselves from things we may not otherwise understand therefore, we imaging what we might want to see versus the what we do see. There is a simple beauty in the word imagination, it ignites the possibility of everything surround oneself but when imagination takes a strong grip on ones ability …show more content…

Although it posses the power to be extremely dangerous for some, other may need it to be able to fully experience their surroundings. Huckleberry Finn showcases imagination and its value, danger and importance through two characters Huck and Tom. It shows that for some imagination or lack of destroys the value in things such as religion, emotions, and childhood experiences,shown through Huck. On the other hand it shows that too much imagination can blur the line of reality, become dangerous to you and others, and again lead you to miss out on the value of a situation through life lessons o be learned and the realistic problems one must experience in life. These problems being as follows loss, learning right and wrongs of social encounter etc, this is shown through Tom. Not only does Huckleberry teach us the importance of imagination but it shows us how imagination can connect things that may not line up in many ways. For example superstition and realistic events. In conclusion of this if you lived only to see exactly as they are without the protection or gift of imagination would you be living or using your minds ability to the fullest. Imagination can have the strength to open up worlds, and the potential of this world but just as easily cause blindness and danger to one

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