Importance Of Gross National Happiness Essay

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Gross national happiness Small landlocked mountain nation is best described as a Himalayan staircase between India and Tibet. According to Gupta,(1999), our country is widely known to the outside world for the unique philosophy unlike rest of the countries. Though the concept of Gross National happiness was floated in the 1960s by third king Jigme Dorji Wangchuk.(education, 2005) The philosophy “Gross National Happiness” as the guiding philosophy of Bhutan’s development process, was pronounced by His Majesty King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, soon after his enthronement in 1972. Over the decades, many conferences and discourses have led to increasing elaboration and development of this concept as well as its practice. Our King was clear that happiness is the ultimate end desired, but not necessarily pursued by every Bhutanese and indeed, every human being. The legal code stated that ’if the government cannot create happiness (dekid) …show more content…

Already in July 1999 it published Gross national Happiness (Thimphu, The centre for Bhutan studies,1999),a collection of essays by Bhutanese and nine Bhutanese authors issued in Commemoration of the sliver jubilee of the coronation of His majesty the king Jigme Singye Wangchuck.(Ura,Galay,2004, ) Four Pillars of GNH GNH is a broader concept and more profound in its implication than conveyed by the current set of policy-bundle priorities as represented by the metaphor of pillars in Bhutan. Within Bhutan, the four priority areas of GNH are perceived as a normatively defined means towards promoting GNH, and that is to create the conditions that would enable every citizen to pursue happiness with a reasonable chance of success. We do appreciate that these may not necessarily find universal application. Sustainable and equitable socio-economic development, Conservation of environment, Preservation and promotion of culture and Good

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