Importance Of Goal Setting Essay

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Why is goal setting important? Goal setting helps you get ahead at work, have a rewarding personal life, be more successful than you ever were before and best of all, make more money. Don't believe it? Well, Researchers polled a group of graduates from Harvard Business School in 1979, and 20 years later, found out how they had fared in life. * 3% set goals and had the goals written down in 1979, when the study was done, and 97% hadn't. Twenty (20!) years later, the 3% was way better off in life - healthier, happier and reached all their financial goals. Indeed, they were at last twice as rich as their peers who hadn't written down the goals. That's too much of a co-incidence, don't you think? Yes, certainly goal setting helps achieve success at work and career. …show more content…

R - Relevant (or Rewarding). T - Time-bound (or Track-able). Keep this strategy in mind when setting goals. What Should You Keep in Mind While Setting Goals? While setting goals, it's important to set them, keeping the work-life balance in perspective. It's important to achieve the right balance between your personal life and your work or business, both need their own space, neither should make the other less important. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself while setting your goals, about the areas that need to be covered. We suggest setting goals with a 5 and 10-year perspective. Career - Where do you want to get to in your career? What would a successful career mean to you? Which position do you see yourself 10 years from now? Financial - How much do you want to be worth 10 years from now? How much income do you expect to earn by then? What about assets and net worth? Education - What are the skills, degrees or courses you will want to pick up over the time frame of 10 years or lesser? Family - Do you see yourself married in 10 years? Do you see yourself as a parent? How many kids do you plan on having in 10 years

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