Importance Of Fashion Show

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On Tuesday August 23rd 2016 and Saturday August 27th 2016, I volunteered to help the North Georgia Family Crisis Center with a charity kid’s fashion show. Tuesday was the rehearsal for the fashion show, and unfortunately I didn’t get to help out much because I was held up at a meeting. However, on Saturday, I got the chance to participate more and I experienced an opportunity that I believe was a great advantage to me and will benefit me in the future. On the day of the fashion show, I arrived at 11:00 am and signed in at the front desk. After that, I was immediately put on concession stand duty. I started my day selling water bottles for a dollar and handing children their snacks. Not many people bought water, as most people brought their own drinks, but all together, the …show more content…

Even though I didn’t get to interact with kids as much I imagined I would, I got the chance to watch them first hand, which is always an advantage for anyone who studies human behavior and interaction. Some of the kids who participated in the show were technically in the preadolescent stage of their development. They were around ages 8 through 12, which is a time thought to be for when the body begins to mature internally to prepare for the more intense stages of puberty and adolescence. It was interesting to see how these older kids interacted with their peers and parents compared to the younger children. I thought about the differences found in the minds of adults verses the brains of children and adolescents while everyone was getting ready. I remember watching them and thinking how different their life is going to be for them soon. Through observation, I saw how the older kids used concrete operational thinking to keep up with their schedules and be ready on time for the fashion while helping their younger siblings and friends do the

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