Importance Of Dress Codes

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Dress Codes: Do They Help or Hurt? No shirts that show your shoulders. Skirts are required to go past your knees. Refrain from wearing leggings or tight pants without a skirt. These are examples of the obnoxious dress codes that certain children (mostly girls) have to live with on a daily basis, to avoid “causing distractions” in the classroom. Not surprisingly, female dress codes are much more strict, opting them out from wearing clothes they are comfortable in, like skirts, shorts, and tank tops. Dress codes teach children that conformity is more important than adaptability, teach children to dress appropriately rather than teaching them work ethics, and they aren’t even equal between genders. Dress codes do not help a child’s future, rather it damages it by taking away a kid’s right to be unique. Dress codes do not allow children to adapt, but rather they conform. Schools are constantly creating new and stricter dress codes to “protect children”, but what is this really teaching them? Young teens are especially being given these outlandish clothing policies that are teaching adolescents to conform to rules and guidelines that may not be needed for future job choices, like working from home or volunteer work (Scott Key). …show more content…

Most of the time when a child is being sent new clothes from home, it’s a girl. If there is a set dress code, shouldn’t it be the same for all genders? Females are not the only ones taking a stand against sexist dress codes, because according to Gabrielle Sorto, specialist at, “High school boys wearing dresses strike a pose with big smiles on their faces. They know they're breaking school rules, but they hope their gender-defying outfits will spark change.” Males are fighting against these unequal dress codes as well. This obviously shows us that dress codes are known to be unequal, and whether you are effected or not, everyone is standing against

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