Evaluating the Common Core Mathematics Standards

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The Common Core Standards for Mathematics
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela). Education is the best weapon we arm ourselves with going into the world. As we arm ourselves we must also arm the generations that come behind us. The world is always advancing; thus, education most also advance. The nation is constantly trying to adapt its educational system. The government desires to see the nation thrive, the primary goal: preparing America’s youth for success, thus establishing future national success. Early knowledge of math is one of the strongest contributing factors that predict math grades in high school and college (Fuson). Therefore, the amount of knowledge children consume is vital in the early years of learning. The government has attempted numerous curriculums, standards, and programs over time to drive America’s youth towards advancements in math. The Common Core Standards for Mathematics over the years has been pushed into American classrooms. Although Common Core math seemed to have great potential, it has quickly raised concerns in homes and classrooms. Common Core math …show more content…

Parents grew frustrated with Common Core Math Standards, many reports of ridiculous worksheets or infuriating homework assignments were a result of misunderstanding the standards (Hess). Students brought home assignments that they had little to know understanding of, looking to their parents for guidance. However, parents knew even less than the teachers and were unable to help their children. Parents and teachers continually interrupted the standards incorrectly which lead to confusion for the students both in and out of the classroom. Furthermore, Common Core Math Standards have been ineffective in America’s classrooms. Common Core Math has proven to be failure through its rapid adoption and the lack of professional

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